PMF Forum – Reset Better
The Production Managers Forum in collaboration with the Reset Better working group is hosting their first forum since March 2020 around the topic of how can we make theatre and live events more human-centric.
“Humanity, Respect, Resilience” – A Reset Better Zoom Panel Discussion
The Production Managers Forum and Rose Bruford College combine forces for two Zoom panel sessions on the topic of Reset Better, looking at ways we can work smarter and in a more human-centric way as we begin to plan the return to work.
Reset Better – PMF Town Hall
February 2021
During the Production Managers Forum town hall meeting in February 2021 was the first open conversation on Reset Better and what production and technical managers can do to create a better work environment in the industry.
“Process, practice, change” – A ​”Reset Better​” Zoom Panel Discussion
The Production Managers Forum and Rose Bruford College combine forces for their second Zoom panel session on the topic of ​Reset Better​, looking at ways we can work smarter and in a more human-centric way as we begin to plan the return to work.